
Plans represent the functionality of a product that customers are billed for during a pre-defined time period (for example: monthly or annually).

Stigg's allows product manager and growth team members to manage plans, their content, price and trial configuration without requiring additional engineering changes.

The functionality that’s included in each plan is defined by a combination of features and their configuration, referred to in Stigg as entitlements.

Published plans appear in pricing tables that are rendered to customers using Stigg's pricing table widgets and SDKs.

Viewing the list of plans

To view the list of plans of a specific product:

  1. Select the relevant product from the Products sub-section of the Product Catalog.
  2. Scroll down to the Pricing > Plans section of the selected product.


Also see the product's "Modeling your pricing" section.

Viewing a flat list of all of the plans of all of the products is possible by selecting the Plans sub-section of the Product Catalog from the left navigation pane.

Creating plans

To add a plan, click on the "+ Add plan" button under the Plans section of the selected product.

Enter the below details in the opened modal:

  1. Name - the name of the plan.
  2. ID - will be auto-generated by Stigg. Use this ID to refer to the plan in your application. To link an existing plan, override the auto-generated value.
  3. Description (optional) - the plan's description.
  4. Customer visibility - determines whether customers will see the plan in pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg SDKs, and would be able to subscribe to them in a self-served manner.


The values that are entered in the "Name" and "Description" fields will be leveraged by Stigg to render the customer-facing pricing tables and customer portal; therefore, it’s recommended to use customer-friendly texts.

Confirm the action by clicking on the "Create" button.


New plans are created as drafts.

Plans must be published in order to be visible to customers and create subscriptions for them.

Before publishing a plan, make sure to define the plan's pricing and their entitlements.

Defining the plan's price

The price that's defined in Stigg will be shown to customers in the pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg's SDKs.

When Stigg is integrated with a billing solution (for example: Stripe), subscriptions will be created in the billing solution using the price that was defined in Stigg.

Click on the "Set" button under the Pricing section of the selected plan.

The first step would be to select the plan type - free, paid or custom.

Free plans

Free plans are usually intended to allow your customers to access a limited functionality of your product, and charge them a premium for supplemental or advanced features - this is usually referred to as a "Freemium" model.

Customers are not required to enter any payment information in subscribe to such plans.

To set the plan as "Free", select "Free" as the plan type and click "Set".

Paid plans

Paid plans in Stigg are intended to be used in order to allow your customers to subscribe to your product in a self-served manner.

When a plan is defined as a "Paid" plan, additional information is required.

To set a plan as "Paid", select "Paid" as the plan type and click "Continue".

Billing period

The allowed intervals that customers will be billed at - monthly, annual or both.

When customers subscribe to this plan, the billing period will also serve as subscription's commitment length - when customers update their subscription or cancel it altogether they'll be compensated in time or money according to the remaining time in the current billing period.


Charges refer to the line items that customers will be billed for when subscribing to this plan - this can be a recurring fixed fee, based on usage or using a combination of both.

To add a charge, first select the charge type:

  1. Base charge
  2. Usage-based charges

Base charge

A recurring fixed fee that customers will be billed during each billing period.

A plan can only have one base charge.

Enter the charge amount in US dollars in each of the allowed billing periods. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

Click "Add" to add the charge.

Usage-based charges

Usage-based charges refer to fees that customers will pay for usage of specific features.

Plan prices in Stigg can have one or more usage-based charges.

When adding a usage-based charge, first select the feature that you'd like to charge for its usage.

If the feature doesn't exist yet, type its name and leverage the link in the opened drop-down menu to create it.

Then, select whether customers will be charged for committed usage or charges for their actual consumption (pay-as-you-go).

In-advance commitment

Select this method when you'd like customers to pay for their committed usage of a feature (instead of their actual usage), for example: when paying for seats.

  1. Customers will be charged for their in-advance commitment charges immediately upon provisioning of the subscription and at the beginning of every billing period afterwards.
  2. Customers' actual usage will be limited by the amount that they committed to in advance. To increase the limit customers will need to increase their commitment. When the commitment is increased mid-billing period, customers will be immediately charged a prorated amount for the increased commitment until the end of the current billing period. The full amount will be charged in the following billing cycles.

Select the pricing model:

  1. Flat rate - customers will be charged the same price per unit.
  2. Package - customers will be charged the same price per block of units.
  3. Tiered - customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the tier range it falls into.
  4. Volume - customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the total number of units purchased.
  5. Stair-step - customers pay a tiered discounted price when purchasing a bulk of units.

Flat rate

In this pricing model customers will be charged the same price per unit.

To charge customers using a this pricing model, select the "Flat rate" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Enter the charge amount in each of the allowed billing period in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Under the "Advanced" section, you can optionally define the minimum and maximum quantity of committed units.

  1. When no minimum is defined, customers will need to commit to usage of at least 1 unit of the feature.
  2. When no maximum is defined, customers will be able to commit to any usage of the feature.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers will be charged the same price per block of units.

In the below example, when a customers can purchase seats in block of 25 units, i.e. 25 seats for $5, 50 seats for 10$, etc.

To charge customers using a this pricing model, select the "Package" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Enter the charge amount in each of the allowed billing period in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

Enter the number of units that will be included in each block.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the tier range it falls into.

In the below example, when a customer purchases 20 units, the total price per month will be (5 units x $20)+ (5 units x $15) + (10 units x 10$) = $275.

To charge customers using this pricing model, select the "Tiered" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Add the number of tiers that you'd like to use when charging customers.

In each tier specify the tier range and the unit price in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

When multiple billing periods are allowed, enter the tier price in the rest of the billing periods. Use the tabs above the table to toggle between the prices of the different billing periods. Currently the unit quantity of tiers in both billing periods must be the same - updating it in one billing period will affect the other billing period.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the total number of units purchased.

In the below example, when a customer purchases 20 units, the total price per month will be 20 units x 10$ = $200.

To charge customers using this pricing model, select the "Volume discount per unit" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Add the number of tiers that you'd like to use when charging customers.

In each tier specify the tier range and the unit price in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

When multiple billing periods are allowed, enter the tier price in the rest of the billing periods. Use the tabs above the table to toggle between the prices of the different billing periods. Currently the unit quantity of tiers in both billing periods must be the same - updating it in one billing period will affect the other billing period.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers pay for bulks of units, and pay one set price for the entire tier range.

In the below example, when a customer purchases 20 units, the total price per month will be the tier price = $200.

To charge customers using this pricing model, select the "Volume discount per bulk of units" option from the pricing model drop-down.

Add the number of tiers that you'd like to use when charging customers.

In each tier specify the tier range and the total tier price in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

When multiple billing periods are allowed, enter the tier price in the rest of the billing periods. Use the tabs above the table to toggle between the prices of the different billing periods. Currently the unit quantity of tiers in both billing periods must be the same - updating it in one billing period will affect the other billing period.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


Select this method when you'd like customers to pay for the actual usage that took place throughout the billing period, for example: when paying for compute time.

Customers will be billed for pay-as-you-go charges at the end of each billing period.

Select the pricing model:

  1. Flat rate - customers will be charged the same price per unit.
  2. Package - customers will be charged the same price per block of units.
  3. Tiered - customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the tier range it falls into.
  4. Volume - customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the total number of units purchased.


Pay-as-you-go charges can be added to plans when only a monthly billing period is allowed.

Flat rate

In this pricing model customers will be charged the same price per unit.

To charge customers using a this pricing model, select the "Flat rate" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Enter the charge amount in each of the allowed billing period in US Dollars. A granularity of up to 5 decimal points is supported, i.e. $0.0027 USD. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing or not.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers will be charged the same price per block of units.

In the below example, when customers make 500 API calls, they'll be charged the price amount for a block of 1000 API calls. Similarly, when they make 1500 API calls they'll be charge the price for 2 blocks of 1000 API calls.

To charge customers using a this pricing model, select the "Package" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Enter the charge amount in each of the allowed billing period in US Dollars. A granularity of up to 5 decimal points is supported, i.e. $0.0027 USD. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing or not.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the tier range it falls into.

In the below example, when a customer purchases 20 units, the total price per month will be (5 units x $20)+ (5 units x $15) + (10 units x 10$) = $275.

To charge customers using this pricing model, select the "Tiered" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Add the number of tiers that you'd like to use when charging customers.

In each tier specify the tier range and the unit price in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

When multiple billing periods are allowed, enter the tier price in the rest of the billing periods. Use the tabs above the table to toggle between the prices of the different billing periods. Currently the unit quantity of tiers in both billing periods must be the same - updating it in one billing period will affect the other billing period.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.


In this pricing model customers pay per unit, and the unit price is based on the total number of units purchased.

In the below example, when a customer purchases 20 units, the total price per month will be 20 units x 10$ = $200.

To charge customers using this pricing model, select the "Volume discount per unit" option from the pricing model drop-down menu.

Add the number of tiers that you'd like to use when charging customers.

In each tier specify the tier range and the unit price in US Dollars. Defining prices in other currencies can be done later by leveraging Stigg's price localization capabilities.

When multiple billing periods are allowed, enter the tier price in the rest of the billing periods. Use the tabs above the table to toggle between the prices of the different billing periods. Currently the unit quantity of tiers in both billing periods must be the same - updating it in one billing period will affect the other billing period.

Under the "Usage reset" section you can optionally define whether to reset measured usage at the end of the billing period or a subset of it.

Click "Add" to add the charge.

Adding multiple usage-based charges

To add multiple usage-based charges, after adding a usage-based charge click on the "+ Add usage based- charge" button.

When done, click "Continue" to proceed to the plan's default free trial configuration.

Custom plans

Custom plans are intended to be used when the price and content of subscriptions are negotiated with each customer and therefore vary between different customers, as is usually the case in sales-led opportunities.

When Stigg is integrated with a billing solution, subscriptions to custom plans will not be created in the billing solution.

To set a plan as "Custom", select "Custom" as the plan type and click "Continue" to proceed to the plan's default free trial configuration.

Minimum spend

Paid plans can be configured with a minimum spend.

When enabled:

  1. Customers will be charged in advance for this amount.
  2. On-demand charges will then be deducted from the committed minimum spend.
  3. On-demand charges that exceed the committed minimum spend will be added to customers' upcoming invoice.

To set a minimum spend, simply enable the toggle under the "Minimum spend" section, and specify the minimum spending amount.

When multiple billing periods are defined (i.e. monthly and annually), separate minimum spending amounts can be defined for each billing period.


The minimum spending amount is applied only to on-demand (pay-as-you go) charges.

Defining free trial periods

Paid and custom plans can be configured to start with a free trial period when a subscription is created.

Stigg's allows product manager and growth team members to add, modify and remove trial period for plans without requiring additional engineering changes.

Time-based trial periods

In time-based free trials, customers are granted free access to the product for certain amount of time, for example: 30 days.

Spend-based trial periods

In spend-based trials, customers are granted free access to the product until they reach incur a specific spend limit, for example: $30 worth of credits.

Cost-based trials are can be useful for plans with pay-as-you-go pricing. When customers reach the defined cost, additional access to features that are defined as pay-as-you-go charges will be denied.


Cost-based trials are available only for paid plans

Combination of time-based and spend-based trials

In a combined time-based and spend-based trial customers are granted free access to the product until they reach incur a specific spend limit within a specific time period, for example: $30 worth of credits for 3 months.


Combined time-based and cost-based trials are available only for paid plans

Configuring free trials

To add a default trial period

When defining the plan's price:

  1. Set the "Start in a free trial" toggle ON.
  2. Set the default trial configuration.
  3. Click on "Save changes".

When the plan's price has already been defined:

  1. Click on the "Add free trial" link in the plan's Price section.
  2. Continue as described above.

To change the default trial period

  1. Click on the dotted menu icon under the "Free trial" section and select the "Edit" action.
  2. Enter the updated default trial configuration.
  3. Click on "Save changes".

To remove the default trial configuration

  1. Click on the dotted menu icon under the "Free trial" section and select the "Remove" action.
  2. Confirm the action.


By default, customers are eligible for one free trial per product.

Additional trial access can be granted programmatically by overriding the default trial settings and when provisioning subscriptions via the Stigg app.

Similarly, customers can be forced to start in a paid or custom plan both programmatically and when provisioning subscriptions via the Stigg app.

Assigning features to plans

The functionality that’s included in each plan is defined by a combination of features and their configuration, referred to in Stigg as entitlements.

Inheriting entitlements from other plans

Stigg allows admins to define inheritance between plans. When a plan inheritance is defined, all of the entitlements of the base plan will included in the child plan.

The plan inheritance ensures that when entitlements are added to a base plan, they're automatically added to a child plan; thus enforcing a good-better-best model and preventing the need to manually updated each plan separately.

To inherit entitlements from a base plan, under the "Entitlements" section of the selected plan, select the relevant child plan from the "Everything included in" control.

Adding entitlements to a plan

To add entitlements to a plan, click on the "+ Add" button under the Entitlements section of the selected plan.

Search for the features that you'd like to assign to the plan and select them from the list.

Apply the relevant configuration for the selected features (see below).

Confirm the action by clicking on the "Add" button.

Boolean features

Boolean features don't require any additional configuration. Simply adding them would grant subscribed customers access to the feature.

Configuration features

Configuration features must be defined with a numeric configuration value.

Metered features

Usage limits

Metered features can be defined with a limit or without one (unlimited).

Limit enforcement

When a limit is set, Stigg can be configured to enforce access when customers reach their limit or not.

When a feature's limit is enforced and the customer reaches their limit, Stigg will deny any additional attempts to access the feature. This concept is known as a "hard limit" and is the default configuration for all Stigg entitlements.

When a feature's limit is not enforced, Stigg will continue granting customers access to the feature even when they exceed their limit. This concept is known as a "soft limit".

The following table summarizes the differences between the two concepts:

Hard limitsSoft limits
Customers can exceed the defined limitβŒβœ…
Useful for1. Enforcing access in free plans.2. Driving conversions, upsells and expansions.1. In enterprise plans, to prevent disruptions to customers' business - excessive usage is commonly leveraged for discussions with sales, CS and account executives about expansion and increased commitment. 2. When implementing an automatic smart upgrade flow to a higher tier based on customer usage instead of charging for overage - upgrades help increase recurring revenue, where overage charges are less predictable.3. During the initial integration with Stigg - companies that already have soft limits defined today and want to gradually rollout the integration with Stigg, can do so while activating enforcement at a later stage without any additional code changes.

Soft limit

Soft limit

Usage reset

Stigg can optionally automatically reset the measured usage every predefined period (yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly), which is helpful for representing features, such as the number of API calls per month.

Advanced usage reset configuration

Advanced usage reset configuration

Overriding entitlements from other plans

When the plan inherits entitlements from a base plan, adding entitlements to the child plan overrides the configuration of the child plan. For example: if the entitlement in the base plan is for 10 seats, and an entitlement in the child plan is added for 50 seats, the entitlement of the child plan will override that of the base plan.

To override an entitlement in the child plan:

  1. Scroll down to the "Entitlements" section.
  2. Expand the "Everything in..." row to view the entitlements that are inherited from the base plan.
  3. In the row of the entitlement that you'd like to override click on the dotted-menu item, and select the "Override entitlement" action.
  4. Enter the new value that you'd like to set for the overriding entitlement.
  5. Click on "Override".


Entitlements to boolean features can't be overridden.

Overriding entitlements will have an icon appear next to their value.

The value of overridden entitlements in will be crossed out.

Defining variable entitlement values

Custom plans can have entitlements with variable values, which will be required to be set during the provisioning of subscriptions of that plan to each customer.

This allows you leverage custom plans as templates, where the actual entitlement value is set according to the contract that's defined with the relevant customer.

To define an entitlement as having a variable value between each subscription click on the "variable entitlement value" icon in the entitlement modal.

To change a variable entitlement to an entitlement with a defined limit, click on the "variable entitlement value" icon again.

Variable entitlements

Variable entitlements

Defining the entitlement order

By default, the order of entitlements in pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg (either using Stigg's pricing table widget or custom widgets) is determined according to the order that they were added to the plan.

The order can be changed using a drag-and-drop gesture, by dragging drag handle that appears in the left-most area of the entitlement row.

Controlling the entitlement visibility

By default, all entitlements that are added to a plan are visible to customers in pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg (either using Stigg's pricing table widget or custom widgets).

The entitlement visibility can be changed by clicking on the dotted-menu icon in the row of the relevant entitlement and selecting the "Customize display text and visibility" action.

In the opened modal, update the entitlement visibility and click "Save changes".

Customizing the entitlement display text

By default, entitlements appear in pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg (either using Stigg's pricing table widget or custom widgets) in the following format: <ENTITLEMENT_LIMIT> <FEATURE_UNITS>, for example: 10 seats, unlimited campaigns, 100 API calls per month.

To customize the display text, click on the dotted-menu icon in the row of the relevant entitlement and select the "Customize display text and visibility" action.

In opened modal, enter the custom display text.

Even when changed, Stigg will provide an indication for the default generated text.

To use the default display text, simply remove the custom display text.

To save the changes, click on the "Save changes" button.


An indication about the default display texts that have been overridden by custom display texts will also appear in the Products > Pricing section

Removing entitlements from a plan

To remove an entitlement from a plan, click on the dotted-menu icon in the row of the relevant entitlement and select the "Remove" action.

Confirm the action by clicking "Remove".

Controlling the plan's visibility

By default, all published plans are visible to customers in pricing tables that are rendered using Stigg (either using Stigg's pricing table widget or custom widgets).

The plan's visibility can be changed by clicking on the "Edit" button that appears under the "Plan details" section.

In the opened modal, update the plan's customer visibility and click "Save changes".

Storing metadata

It's possible to store metadata on each plan. The metadata can then be leveraged by the hosting application and third-party solutions via the Stigg SDKs, API and webhooks to implement custom functionality.

To store metadata on a specific plan, under the "Metadata" section of selected plan click on the "Add" (if there's no metadata) or "Edit" buttons.

Enter the relevant keys and values.

Click "Add" (if there was previously no metadata) or "Save changes" buttons to apply the changes.

Publishing plans

After defining the basic details, entitlements and pricing of draft plans, click on the "Publish" button to make the plan available to all of your customers.

Editing published plans

Stigg's allows product managers and growth team members to make frequent and rapid changes to plans without requiring additional engineering changes.

Changes can be rolled out to both existing and new customers (for example: when adding or removing an entitlement from a plan), or only to new customers (for example: when changing the plan's price).

Stigg uses a versioning mechanism to support this functionality - every time a plan is edited a new version is created. Changes to the plan can be published or discarded.

To edit a plan, click on the dotted menu icon of the relevant plan, and select the "Edit" action.

Apply the relevant changes to the plan.


Some properties of a plan (for example: its ID), cannot be modified after the plan is created.


Plans with unpublished changes will have a proper indication in the product offering and plan list screens.

Reviewing changes

To review the changes to the plan since the last published plan version, click on "review changes" or "Review & publish" in the plan's header.

In the change review modal:

  1. Green backgrounds represent items that were added since the last published version.
  2. Orange backgrounds represent items that were updated since the last published version.
  3. Red backgrounds represent items that were removed since the last published version.

Publishing changes


Changes must first be reviewed before they can be published.

To publish changes, in the change review modal select the target audience to which the changes will be applied:

  1. New subscriptions - the changes will only affect subscriptions that are created after the new plan version is published.
  2. Both existing and new subscriptions - in addition to (1), existing active subscriptions will be migrated to use the new plan version.

When applying changes to existing subscriptions, an acknowledgment of a series of disclaimers is required.


Default grandfathering of subscription pricing when rolling out pricing changes

Pricing changes are automatically published only to new subscriptions. Existing subscriptions can be migrated to the latest price manually using the Stigg UI or programmatically.

Discarding changes

To discard pending changes from a plan, click on "Discard changes" in the plan's header. Confirm the action in the opened dialog.

Archiving plans

Archiving a plan is possible from the Plans sub-section of the Product catalog.

To archive a plan, click on the dotted menu icon of the relevant row, and select the "Archive" action.

Confirm the action by enter the plan name and clicking on the "Archive" button in the opened modal.