
Products in Stigg represent a product or product-line that you offer to your customers.

Products are usually defined by product managers.

Viewing the list of products

To view the list of products, select the Products sub-section of the Product Catalog from the left navigation pane.


If only one product exists, you'll automatically be redirected to that product.

Creating products

When viewing a specific product, it's possible to create a new product from the top action menu.

When more than one product is defined, creating products in Stigg is possible by clicking on the "+ New product" button in the Products sub-section of the Product Catalog.

Enter the below details in the opened modal:

  1. Name - the name of the product.
  2. ID - will be auto-generated by Stigg. Use this ID to refer to the product in your application. To link an existing product, override the auto-generated value.
  3. Description (optional) - the product's description.
  4. Subscription type - determines how many active subscriptions customers can have for the product at a certain point in time:
    1. Single active subscription - customers would be able to have only one active subscription for this product.
    2. Multiple active subscriptions - customers would be able to have more than one active subscription for this product. Each subscription would represent a separate β€œinstance” of the product, for example: website, app, etc.


The values that are entered in the β€œName” and β€œDescription” fields will be leveraged by Stigg to render the customer-facing paywall and customer portal; therefore, it’s recommended to use customer-friendly texts.


The subscription type can’t be changed after a subscription to the product is provisioned.

Confirm the action by clicking on the "Create" button.

You're now ready to model your product's pricing.

Modeling your pricing

Defining plans and add-ons

You're now ready to package your product into Plans and Add-ons.

After the product's plans and add-ons have been created, it's possible to see an overview of the the defined pricing under the product details screen.

This view also serves as a preview to the paywall that customers will be seeing.

Use the toggle on the top-left corner of the Plans section to alternate between the annual and monthly prices of the plans.

Defining the customer journey

Stigg allows admins to define and update customers' access to products with no-code, specifically:

  1. When a new customer is provisioned (for example: during the registration process or onboarding), what would be their initial access to the product - one of the following:
    1. In the plan that the customer selected (default)
    2. In a free plan
    3. In a trial period of a paid plan
  2. What would happen when a trial expires or a subscription is canceled - one of the following:
    1. Access to the customer's entitlement is revoked (default)
    2. Customers are downgraded to a free plan - when customers access the product in a free trial, this means that customers will experience a reverse trial
  3. When will a customer's subscription end when they request to cancel it - one of the following:
    1. At the end of the current billing cycle (default)
    2. Immediately

To update the settings, select a different configuration using the relevant drop-down menus under the product's "Customer Journey" section.

Click "Publish changes"

Confirm the action by clicking "Publish".


  1. Changes to the initial product access behavior will affect new customers
  2. Changes to trial end / subscription cancelation behavior will affect all customers

Storing metadata

It's possible to store metadata on each product. The metadata can then be leveraged by the hosting application and third-party solutions via the Stigg SDKs, API and webhooks to implement custom functionality, for example: highlight a selected plan in the paywall.

To store metadata on specific product, under the "Metadata" section of selected product click on the "Add" (if there's no metadata) or "Edit" buttons.

Enter the relevant keys and values.

Click "Add" (if there was previously no metadata) or "Save changes" buttons to apply the changes.

Editing product details

To edit the details of a product, click on the dotted menu icon of the relevant product, and select the "Edit" action.

Once done, click on the "Save changes" button in the opened modal.


Some properties of a product (for example: its ID), cannot be modified after the product is created.

Deleting products

To delete a product, click on the dotted menu icon of the relevant row, and select the "Delete" action.

Confirm the action by clicking on the "Delete" button in the opened modal.