Implementing price localization on your public website and application


In order to future-proof your public website and application for price localization, it's recommended to implement these changes as part of your initial integration with Stigg.

Doing so will allow you to introduce and rollout changes to the price localization configuration, without requiring any additional code changes.


  1. When no localized pricing is defined for a specified country, the default pricing will be used.
  2. If the customer has already subscribed to a plan with a localized price, its billing country code would override the one that's provided programatically.

Visibility for localized prices in your public pricing page

// fetch the billingCountryCode according to the visitor's IP

	billingCountryCode="DK" // must be in the ISO-3166-1 format
  onPlanSelected={({ plan, customer }) => {
    // Handle customer intention to subscribe to plan

Visibility for localized prices in your in your application

In-app paywall

// fetch the billingCountryCode according to the customer's IP if they have never subscribed to a paid plan
// otherwise, the in-app paywall will be rendered according to the localized pricing that the customer has been subscribed to in the past

	billingCountryCode="DK" // must be in the ISO-3166-1 format
  onPlanSelected={({ plan, customer }) => {
    // Handle customer intention to subscribe to plan

Customer portal

// fetch the billingCountryCode according to the customer's IP if they have never subscribed to a paid plan

    billingCountryCode="DK" // must be in the ISO-3166-1 format
    onPlanSelected={({ plan, customer }) => {
      // Handle customer intention to subscribe to plan


// fetch the billingCountryCode according to the customer's IP if they have never subscribed to a paid plan

        onCheckoutCompleted={({ success, error }) => {
          // TODO: handle checkout completion
        billingCountryCode={"DK"} // must be in the ISO-3166-1 format

Provisioning subscriptions with localized pricing

// fetch billingCountryCode according to the customer's IP, billing address, etc.

const subscription = await stiggClient.provisionSubscription({  
    customerId: "customer-demo-01",  
    planId: "plan-basic",
    unitQuantity: 2,								// optional, required for subscriptions with per-unit pricing  
    billingPeriod: "MONTHLY", 				// optional, relevant only for paid subscriptions  
    addons: [{  										// optional
        addonId: "addon-10-campaigns",  
        quantity: 1,  
    billingCountryCode: "DK",     		// must be in the ISO-3166-1 format
    awaitPaymentConfirmation: true,

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