To help you monetize your application, Stigg offers a library of snap-in monetization awareness widgets that can be easily integrated into your application using only a few lines of code.

Benefits of Stigg's snap-in widgets

Integration requires only a few lines of code

Get up-and-running quickly, while saving precious development time.

<StiggProvider apiKey={'<YOUR_API_KEY>'}>
    onPlanSelected={({ plan, customer }) => {
    	// TODO: handle customer intention to subscribe to plan  
   }} />

Fully customizable to match your application's styling

Leverage our widget designer to customize the widgets' styling using no-code and custom CSS to align it with your application's theme.

Once integrated, additional style customization can take place with no-code.

No code configuration

No code configuration

Ability to apply custom CSS

Ability to apply custom CSS

Integrate once and never worry about pricing changes

Stigg's snap-in widgets auto-magically sync with the pricing mode that's defined in the Stigg app. When rolling out changes to your pricing, the changes are immediately reflected in the snap-in widgets - no additional code changes required! 🀯

Widgets for your application and public website

Stigg's snap-in widgets can be integrated into your application and public website. This ensures that the same pricing that's communicated to customers on your public website is also the experience that your customers will see inside your application.

Example of a widget embedded to a public website

Example of a widget embedded to a public website

Useful both for self-service and enterprise sales

Let customers know about the features that they're entitled for and current usage, well as encourage them for upsells and expansions via self-service or reach out to their account executive.

Optimized for SaaS use-cases

Stigg's snap-in widgets include built-in support for complex use-cases such as trials, pricing using multiple value metrics, volume pricing, add-ons, scheduled downgrades and grandfathering.

Available widgets


Additional widgets will be available soon!