Allow customers to have multiple subscriptions to the same product
When customers can provision multiple instances of your product, it's possible to monetize each instance separately.
Common use cases include products that represent a website (i.e. Wix, HotJar) or an application. Each website or application can have a subscription to a different tier while allowing the customer to pay for all of their subscriptions using the same payment method.
Different sub-accounts and user roles can also be monetized using a similar method.
Luckily, Stigg gives you the flexibility to implement this pricing model.
Implementing the pricing model using Stigg
Product configuration
When a new product is created or its details are edited, set the product's subscription type multiple active subscriptions.
The subscription type canβt be changed after a subscription to the product is provisioned.
Resource ID
Due to the fact that multiple "instances" of the product can be created, Stigg needs to know what instance a subscription should apply to, entitlements needs to be checked for, and widgets rendered for.
This is achieved by passing a resource ID, which represents the ID of the entity that the subscription applies to (for example: website ID, app ID, etc.) to Stigg.
The resource ID needs to be provided during subscription provisioning and update, entitlement checks and widget rendering.
Provisioning subscriptions
In order to grant a product instance access to gated functionality and bill for it, provision a subscription for that instance in Stigg.
This can be achieved programmatically by leveraging Stigg's backend SDKs, or directly from the Stigg Console. In either cases, ensure to pass the resource ID parameter to associate the provisioned subscription with the relevant product instance.
A customer that all provisioned subscription will be associated with must existing in Stigg, see:
Provisioning subscriptions using the Stigg backend SDKs
Pass the resource ID parameter to provision a subscription for the relevant product instance.
const subscription = await stiggClient.provisionSubscription({
customerId: 'customer-demo-01',
resourceId: 'resource-01',
planId: 'plan-basic',
// rest parameters
For more details and additional frameworks, see:
Provisioning subscriptions using the Stigg Console
To provision a new subscription, click on the "+ Add" button under the Subscriptions section of the customer details screen of the relevant customer.
Provide a resource ID to provision a subscription for the relevant product instance.
Reporting feature usage
Whenever a certain feature is consumed by a product instance, report this usage to Stigg. The reported usage will be used to track, limit and bill the customer's usage of metered features. Pass the resource ID parameter to associate the reported usage with the relevant product instance.
await stiggClient.reportUsage({
customerId: 'customer-test-id',
resourceId: 'resource-01',
featureId: 'feature-seats',
value: 10,
For more details and additional frameworks, see:
Enforcing feature access
Stigg offers an API, as well as backend and frontend SDKs for enforcing customer access to features according to their entitlement for those features.
Backend enforcement
const requestedUsage = 10;
const entitlement = await stiggClient.getMeteredEntitlement({
customerId: 'customer-demo-01',
resourceId: 'resource-01',
featureId: 'feature-demo-03',
options: {
if (entitlement.hasAccess) {
// has access and the requested usage is within the allowed quota
} else {
// the customer has exceeded his quota for this feature
For more details and additional frameworks, see:
Frontend enforcement
In order to check the entitlements of a specific product instance in the frontend, after initializing the Stigg frontend SDK, set the context of the product instance by passing its ID as the resource ID to the SDK.
import { useStiggContext } from '@stigg/react-sdk';
function Component() {
const { stigg } = useStiggContext();
const resourceId = 'resource-01';
useEffect(() => {
return () => stigg.clearResource(); // automatically reset the context once the component is removed
}, [stigg, resourceId]);
// set the current product instance context
// reset the context when no longer in a product instance context
Pass the resource ID parameter to check the entitlement for the relevant product instance.
const requestedUsage = 10;
const entitlement = stiggClient.getMeteredEntitlement({
featureId: 'feature-demo-01',
resourceId: 'resource-01',
options: {
if (entitlement.hasAccess) {
// has access and the requested usage is within the allowed quota
} else {
// the customer has exceeded his quota for this feature
At any give time it's only possible to check the entitlements of the product instance that was set as the current context.
Attempting to check an entitlement of a difference product instance (by passing a different resource ID than that of the one that was set as the current context) will return fallback value of the feature. If no fallback value was set, access to the feature will be defined.
Therefore, setting the correct resource ID as the current context is crucial.
For more details and additional frameworks, see:
Providing visibility for the current active subscription
Stigg allows you to fetch to the current active subscription of a specific product instance.
Doing so can be leveraged to provide your customers with visibility for the currently active subscription for the specific product instance.
To fetch the active subscriptions of a specific product instance, leverage the getActiveSubscriptionsList
method and pass its ID as the resource ID to the SDK.
const subscriptions = await stiggClient.getActiveSubscriptionsList({
customerId: 'customer-demo-01',
resourceId: 'resource-01',
const subscriptions = await stiggClient.getActiveSubscriptionsList({
resourceId: 'resource-01',
Additional frameworks
Offering an in-app upgrade experience
When customer attempt to access a gated feature, it's useful to allow them to resolve the issue within the context of their action by offering them the ability to upgrade to a paid plan.
The in-app upgrade experience can be fully self-served, as well as one that requires an interaction with a sales representative.
Stigg offers embeddable widgets that can be used offer customers with an in-app upgrade experience.
In-app paywall
Stigg's in-app paywall widget allows customers to select what plan they'd like to upgrade to.
Pass the resource ID parameter to render a paywall for the current product instance.
onPlanSelected={({ plan, customer }) => {
// Handle customer intention to subscribe to plan
In-app customer portal
Stigg's customer portal widget can be used to communicate to customers what plan they're currently on, what features they're entitled for, how much they've consumed of them, and the ability to manage their subscription.
The Stigg customer portal widget provide such visibility separately for each product instance, while allow customers to leverage the same payment method in order to pay for all of the subscriptions.
Pass the resource ID parameter to render a customer portal for the current product instance.
Ensure that the resource ID is passed both to the
// rest of paywall parameters
// rest of customer portal parameters
Stigg's checkout widget allows you to easily accept payments without ever worrying about changes to your pricing model or migration to another billing provider.
Pass the resource ID parameter to render a checkout experience for the current product instance.
onCheckoutCompleted={({ success, error }) => {
// TODO: handle checkout completion
Stigg's widgets can be fully customized to align with your app's styling.
Additional frameworks
For more details about Stigg's widgets and additional frameworks, see:
Billing your customers
Stigg can be integrated with billing solutions (such as Stripe) to bill customers for their subscriptions.
When such an integration is in place the same payment method can be used to pay for all of the subscription; however, each subscription will be billed according to its own billing period, and will generate a separate invoice.
Combination with single instance products
In addition to multi-instance products, Stigg allows you to define products that customers will have a single active subscription for at a certain point in time.
Leveraging a combination of a single instance product with a multi-instance product, allows you to implement an account + sub-account and platform + app instance monetization models. An example of such a model can be seen at Webflow.
To do so, create another product, but this type set its subscription type to "single active subscription".
When a customer is subscribed to both a single and multi-instance product, and both products grant access to the same entitlement, the customer will have access to the maximum entitlement value amongst the different products.
For more details see:
Updated 9 months ago