Rendering a customer portal
In this quick start guide we'll demonstrate how to create a customer portal using Stigg's embeddable widgets.
Stigg's customer portal widget allows you to introduce self-service and drive in-app expansions using only a few lines of codes.
The customer portal:
- Provides customers with visibility to their current subscription details - subscribed plan, purchased add-ons, granted promotional entitlements.
- Provides customers with visibility to the usage of their subscription's features.
- Allows customers to upgrade and downgrade their subscription in a self-served manner - when you update your pricing model in Stigg, customers will auto-magically be able to upgrade or downgrade their subscription according to the updated pricing model π.
- Allows customers to view their billing and payment information - when Stigg is integrated with a billing solution (such as Stripe), customers can also update this information and view previous invoices directly from the billing solution's billing portal.
Before we begin
In order to complete this guide in your application code, please make sure that you have:
Initializing the React SDK
The first step is to initialize Stigg's React SDK with the client API key by wrapping your application with StiggProvider component.
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { StiggProvider } from '@stigg/react-sdk';
import App from './App';
<StiggProvider apiKey="YOUR_CLIENT_API_KEY">
<App />
Rendering the customer portal
Additional resources
Updated over 1 year ago