Apply discounts to subscriptions


Coupons allow customers to redeem discounts for their subscriptions.


Stigg natively supports basic percentage-based and fixed-fee coupons.

Coupons that are created in billing solutions can also be applied to subscriptions in Stigg and are useful in the following cases:

  1. Discounts that are applicable only for specific charges, i.e. 15% off the base charge
  2. Discounts that are applicable for X billing periods, i.e. 30% off for 3 months
  3. When leveraging coupon and campaign management solutions such as Rewardful and to generate coupons and promotion codes

Applying coupons during checkout

To allow customers apply coupons during checkout, customer-facing promotion codes ("promo codes") for those coupons must first be generated.

Depending on your use-case, create the coupon in Stigg or in the billing solution that's integrated with Stigg.

In the billing solution, generate a promo code for the coupon.

Using Stigg's Checkout widget

Integrate the Stigg Checkout Widget to your application.

Share the promo code with customers and ask them to enter the code upon checkout.

Using a custom checkout experience

Allow customers to enter promo codes during your custom checkout experience.

Validate the promo code using the estimateSubscription and estimateSubscriptionUpdate methods of the Stigg SDK. If the coupon is valid show the discounted price; otherwise, a relevant error code will be returned by, which you could leverage to present to customers.

Pass validated promo codes when provisioning or updating subscriptions via the API or SDK.

Applying coupons programmatically

In cases where you'd like to apply discounts to subscriptions without sharing a customer-facing code with customers, it's useful to programmatically apply the coupons to subscriptions.

To do so, depending on your use-case, create the coupon in Stigg or in the billing solution that's integrated with Stigg.

Provide the Stigg coupon ID or coupon ID from the billing solution, depending on where the coupon was generated, when provisioning or updating subscriptions

Applying discounts to all of customers' subscriptions

In some cases, it's helpful to grant customers discounts for all of their subscriptions. For example: when implementing a partner program, all subscriptions for that partner are eligible for a 20% discount.

To grant customers a discount for all of their subscriptions:

  1. Create a coupon in Stigg
  2. Apply the coupon to the customer via the Stigg app or programmatically via the Stigg API and SDKs