How are customer entitlements calculated?

In software, an entitlement refers to the right to use services, products, or in our case: application features. Entitlements can provide fine-grained controls over how an individual or organization can use software.

In Stigg, entitlements represent a combination of a feature and its configuration. The result is functionality that each customer is entitled to.

In Stigg, customers can be granted entitlements from multiple source:

  1. Active subscription
    1. Active plan - an entitlement that's defined for the current plan that the customer is subscribed to.
    2. Base plan - an entitlement that's inherited from a parent plan of the plan that the customer is subscribed to.
    3. Add-ons - due to the fact that add-ons extend plans, when a subscription includes both plans and add-ons that are defined using the same configuration or metered features, the entitlement value for those features would be the sum of the entitlements of that specific feature. For example: if a customer has a subscription for a plan, and as part of that plan they’re entitled to X units of a specific feature. If they’ll also purchase an add-on with Y units of the same feature, the customer will be entitled to X + Y units as part of their subscription. Moreover, if the customers pays for a quantity of Q add-ons as part of their subscription, they’ll be entitled to X + Y * Q units of that feature.
  2. Trial subscription - an entitlement that's defined in a subscription that the customer is currently trialing. This is possible since Stigg allows customers to trial a higher tier, while still paying for an active subscription.
  3. Promotional entitlements that have been granted to the customer - granting promotional entitlements to a customer affects all of their subscriptions.
  4. Additional product - relevant when a customer is subscribed both to a product that allows only a single active subscription and a product that allows multiple active subscriptions.


Stigg follows a generous approach, and will therefore grant the customer the maximum value between (1)-(4).