Activity log


Every event on the Stigg platform is audited, and visibility for these events is available via the Activity Log.

Using the Activity Log users can answer the following questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. When did it happen?
  3. Who (or what) triggered the event?

Thus, the Activity Log serves as an audit log for actions on the Stigg platform and can also be useful for troubleshooting.


The Activity Log is available on the Stigg Growth plan or higher, and provides accurate information for all events that took place on May 22nd, 2024 or later.

Event information

Every event includes the following properties:

  1. Event name - indicates what happened
  2. Timestamp - the timestamp that the event occurred on
  3. Trace ID - a unique ID of the event
  4. Entity - the Stigg entity that the event is associated with, for example: a plan, customer or subscription
  5. Actor - the entity that triggered the event, including: actor type, name and email address of the user that triggered the event (when relevant) and IP from which the event was triggered
  6. Event payload - the event data

Actor types

Stigg applicationAn event that was triggered by a logged in user in the Stigg app
Backend SDKAn event that was triggered by the backend SDK, for example: by a customer or migration script
Frontend SDKAn event that was triggered by the frontend SDK, for example: by a customer
SalesforceAn event that was triggered by the CRM integration with Salesforce
StripeAn event that was triggered by the billing integration with Stripe
AWS MarketplaceAn event that was triggered by the integration with the AWS Marketplace
Import processAn event that was triggered by an import process into Stigg
Subscription migrationAn event that was triggered by a subscription migration
SystemAn event that was triggered by an automation of the Stigg platform
Stigg supportAn event that was triggered by a Stigg support representative

Access via the Stigg app

General log

The general log provides visibility for all of the events that took place on the selected Stigg environment and is accessible via the "Activity" item on the left navigation pane.

Entity-specific log

An entity-specific activity log is accessible via the "Activity" tab of the customer, subscription plan and add-on entities.

The entity-specific log includes only events that are relevant for the specific entity; thus, making troubleshooting easier.

Copying event links

Users can copy links to specific events by clicking on the "Copy event link" button in the header of a specific event.

Event links can be shared with other users that have access to the Stigg app, which can also assist with troubleshooting.

Navigating between events

Stigg allows you to easily navigate between different events by either selecting the relevant event from the Activity Log table, or via the arrows at the footer of a specific events.

Access via API


query EventLogs($filter: EventLogFilter!) {
  eventLogs(filter: $filter) {
    edges {
      node {
        actor {
    pageInfo {


  "filter": {
    "eventLogType": {
    "environmentId": {
      "eq": "<ENVIRONMENT_ID>"

More details about the GraphQL API can be found here:

Usage events

Usage events are accessible via a dedicated Usage Event Log: